August 26 Brand Journalism In the Press

Brand Journalism

The Brand Journalism Revolution: Why your company should think like the media

Smart companies and organisations, public and private sector, are rethinking how they communicate. They are joining the brand journalism revolution.

Eleanor McGillie introduced brand journalism to Northern Ireland in 2012. Since then, companies, large and small, are seeing the benefits of engaging more effectively with their audiences. In Business First magazine September’s edition, Eleanor explains why brand journalism is the smart way to communicate. Here’s the story:

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April 12 Brand Journalism In the Press

Housing crisis is looming as ICTU warns against privatisation of NIHE portfolio

Northern Ireland is on the verge of a housing crisis if plans continue to transfer more and more Housing Executive stock to the voluntary sector.

Brian Campfield, President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), told delegates at the biennial conference that if the Housing Executive sells its portfolio of houses, then people would no longer be able to afford private rents, and, as a result, education and health would also suffer and jobs would be lost.

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April 12 Brand Journalism In the Press

Copyright © Kevin Cooper Photoline NUJ: Peter Bunting, ICTU Assistant General Secretary, at NIC ICTU Biennial Delegate Conference which took place on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 April 2016 in City Hotel Derry. MGMPR

Farm groups support motion to stay in EU as ICTU lobby for workers’ interests

Farmers and businesses are being urged to work together – that’s a key message during a debate on Brexit at the ICTU conference today.

Peter Bunting, assistant General Secretary of the ICTU, said if Northern Ireland has a chance of growing its economy its members must vote ‘Yes’ in the EU referendum. Mr Bunting added that It is critical that farmers and the business community work in tandem to ensure members maximise the ‘Yes’ vote. Here’s the full story:

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