March 30 Brand Journalism In the Press PR Northern Ireland

Teachers' are being balloted for strike action

INTO says domino effect of teacher job losses to start with over 560 posts to go

Ireland’s largest teachers’ union is predicting that job losses in the education sector will start snowballing in April with language specialists being the first victims of the cuts.

INTO’s Northern Secretary Gerry Murphy says children and communities in Northern Ireland will suffer because the Department of Education can’t manage its own budget. INTO is encouraging parents to campaign to retain teaching posts, to lobby politicians for investment.

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March 4 In the Press

Teachers' union - INTO Northern Conference 2015

Teachers’ union prepares for industrial action as 79% vote in favour of strike

After weeks of balloting the results have been counted. Teachers across Northern Ireland have opted for strike action.

Today John O’Dowd told the education committee that schools will likely see 500 job losses for teachers and 1,000 for non-teaching staff due to £28m cuts to his budget. INTO members say ‘enough is enough’ with 79 per cent opting for strike action on Friday, March 13. Here’s the full story:

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March 4 In the Press

Teachers' strike - INTO members will be striking on Wednesday moring for a half day strike action following the results of a ballot before Christmas.

The £1million bill of teacher suspensions is ‘grossly excessive’ says INTO

INTO, Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, will be announcing the results of a ballot tomorrow which will decide whether teachers have voted for industrial action.

Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) says budget cuts will have devastating effects on our community, economy and children’s education. It argues the £1million being spent on teacher suspensions for example is grossly over excessive. INTO says ‘enough is enough’.

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