August 31 Brand Journalism In the Press PR Northern Ireland

INTO says no to budget cuts

Bleak start back to school as the INTO says no to budget cuts

Schools across Northern Ireland have been finding out that their budgets have been cut – another insult to education according to the INTO.

Ireland’s largest teachers’ union says news of further cuts to school budgets will mean children will be denied access to services, class sizes will increase and special needs provision will shrink. Gerry Murphy outlines the INTO’s take on the news which will create many challenges for principals and pupils across the region.

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February 8 Brand Journalism In the Press PR Northern Ireland

INTO says proposed £33m teaching scheme is a ‘genuine attempt’ to create full time jobs

Teachers across Northern Ireland have been reaction to the proposed ‘Investing in the Teaching Workforce’ scheme which would potentially see a £33million investment in teaching.

The scheme, announced by Education Minister John O’Dowd, has been described by INTO as ‘a genuine attempt to create full time jobs. INTO representatives are in talks with the Department encouraging them to place teachers who are not in full time roles at the heart of the scheme.

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