December 18 Newsfeed

A once thriving hotel takes action to survive the downturn

By Eleanor McGillie

MCGILLIE Media & PR have been recruited to devise a media campaign which will boost a once thriving hotel by bringing it back to its former glory.

The family run establishment dates back to the early 1900s and is steeped in history and charm.

However, like many businesses trying to survive in an economic downturn, business has suffered and so too has morale.

But, the hotel proprietors have recognized that now is not the time to be battening down the hatches and have decided to take action to secure the future of the hotel.

Director of McGillie Media & PR, Eleanor McGillie said: “The hotel has certainly suffered but the will and the desire is there to make efforts to bring this hotel back to its former glory.

“The hotel is situated in an area which is surrounded by heritage and culture and very much deserves its place to compete in the current marketplace.

“Our campaign will be an ongoing one. We know exactly what is needed, how we will do it and we are looking forward to having fun along the way and telling the story of the hotel.

“We are delighted to take on this challenge and we look forward to watching the hotel succeed.”



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