November 3 Brand Journalism In the Press PR Northern Ireland

Cycle Sperrins 13th October 2015 Annie Slane, 90 year old resident and Cyclist in the Broughderg Area, at the launch of t he Cycle Sperrins Consortium, which is made up of speciality food producers, farm businesses, tearooms and quality accommodation providers based along the world-class four day cycle route, welcomes Tourism NI chairman, Terence Brannigan, to officially launch Cycle Sperrins. Picture Oliver McVeigh - For further information contact Eleanor McGillie at MGMPR Ltd - PR Northern Ireland .

Cycle Sperrins – 90-year-old cyclist urges tourists to ‘get on yer bike’

Annie Slane is a 90-year-old woman who has lived in the Sperrins all of her life. Annie loves the Sperrins and continues to cycle every day in the rustic mountain range which she says is keeping her young.

Annie recently attended the launch of Cycle Sperrins – an initiative which is aimed at attracting international touring cyclists to the Sperrin Mountains.

We interviewed Annie who tells us her story of her love for cycling in the Sperrins.

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October 7 Brand Journalism In the Press PR Northern Ireland

Tourism consortium to launch mythic cycling tours in soulful Sperrins

The Sperrin Mountains are set to become a major tourist attraction for touring cyclists thanks to a group of businesses who have joined together as a consortium to promote the area.

The Cycle Sperrins Consortium, which is made up of speciality food producers, farm businesses, tearooms and quality accommodation providers based along the world-class four day cycle route, will welcome Tourism NI’s chairman to officially launch Cycle Sperrins. Here’s the full story:

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