August 25 Brand Journalism In the Press

GCSE results in Markethill

High achievers at Markethill High School celebrate as over 90% get five or more GCSEs

By Eleanor McGillie

MARKETHILL High School is celebrating as students’ performance in their GCSE results continues to improve year on year with over 90 per cent of pupils achieving five or more GCSEs grades.

Twelve students achieved seven A*-A grades or more, over 80 per cent passed GCSE English and the pass rate for Maths is sitting at over 75 per cent which is higher than the Northern Ireland averages.

The students are delighted to have set this new record which will potentially place the school, yet again, as a leading non-selective school in Northern Ireland.

Speaking from the school on Thursday morning, Principal James Maxwell, said he, the Board of Governors and the whole community are very proud of what the students have achieved and said the high standards continue to impress.

He said: “The pass rate this year marks a 13 per cent increase on last year. This is the best result in the school’s history and has the potential to place Markethill High School, once again, as a top and leading non-selective school.

“We are absolutely delighted and I pay tribute to the dedication, hard work and sheer professionalism of the staff here at Markethill High School, who always go above and beyond to ensure our pupils are exceptionally well catered for, both academically and pastorally.

“The results are also a clear vindication of this school’s unrelenting priority on the development of outstanding practice in the classroom, as evidenced in our recently revised Learning and Teaching Policy.”

“The 2016 GCSE results show that self-belief, hard work and commitment will bring success”

In September 2016 the enrolment at Markethill High School will also break records, as it will go above 500 for the first time ever, with 116 new Year 8 pupils entering the school leading to an overall enrolment of 515 pupils.

Mr Maxwell added: “Twelve students achieved 7 A*-A grades or better and special congratulations goes to Andrew Porter and Emma Whiteside who attained straight A*/A grades in their chosen subjects.

“Behind every single grade is a story. A number of our pupils had many challenges during the course of their GCSE studies including ill health. I would want to convey my pride and admiration at how those pupils have achieved.”



  • Markethill High School is the Best School in Northern Ireland for Modern Languages
  • In September 2013, The Minister for Education John O’Dowd congratulates Markethill High School for being one of 11 schools in Northern Ireland which successfully bridges the gap between social disadvantage and educational attainment
  • In October 2013 the ETI report that Markethill High School is a school of ‘very good practice’ and commends all aspects of school life
  • In November 2013 Harper Adams University in Ireland announces a collaboration with Markethill High School to lead the way in education in Northern Ireland by encouraging pupils to take up careers in agriculture
  • For further information contact Eleanor McGillie of MGMPR Ltd on 028 3756 9569 | 07709805379| Education PR | Brand Journalism Experts | Brand Journalism UK | Brand Journalism Northern Ireland | PR Agency Northern Ireland

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